Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where in the World is Susan Off to Now?

I confess....I love to travel....I love day trips, weekend jaunts, trips to visit family and friends, trips to the beach...and, of course, worldwide travel!  I love history, museums, art, architecture, name it! I've had a few busy months with travel first heading to New England to see family and then a week at the beach with my husband, kids and grandkids.  But now I'm off for a really big adventure....
I leave in a few days for Ireland and Scotland!  No, I've never been but I'm really excited about this.  I'm traveling with some great friends and traveling companions so I KNOW I am in for the best time! (Hi, Becky!)
I'll be laying low on the blogging most likely...and obviously no crafting for the next few weeks but I'll try and keep in touch!
Last night I kept David and it was a fun and exhausting (for Omie) evening.  Thankfully he slept until a little after 7 this morning.

Sayonara, Auf Weidersehen, Adieu, and So Long...
See you soon!!!

And Happy Crafting!


  1. wow, can I go? what an amazing trip that will be, I hope you have lots of safe!

    enjoy *~*


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