Friday, October 21, 2011

Gadgets Galore and How to Get Your Mojo Back! what part of the title made you want to read further?  That the Gadget Queen has more new gadgets to share...or could it be that you are in a creative lull right now and are looking for fabulous tips to start that flow of creativity again? big secrets here on the ol' How to  Get Your Mojo back but it occurred to me that maybe the boost I would need could possibly come in the form of new gadgets or tools!  So, off to the Archiver's store I went this morning.  I hadn't been in a good month (didn't see ANY scrapbooking stuff in either Scotland or Ireland) so I was due for some browsing time.  I was thinking that perhaps I would take a look at the new Sew Ribbon paraphernalia by We R Memory Keepers.
 Lord KNOWS....I HAD TO HAVE the whole Sew Easy Kit and Kaboodle and it sure is cute sitting on my shelf in its adorable little case but  I will admit.... I HAVE NOT USED IT ONCE!  Gonna, gonna, gonna....but it just hasn't happened yet!  But of course that would not prevent me from getting something else to get my Mojo going, you know.  But alas...Archiver's did NOT HAVE Sew Ribbon yet so that idea flew out the window.  Then I came across this cute Beginning Quilling Case
which came with quilling paper strips, quilling needles (two because, of course, one is not enough!), a ruler that guides you to make the proper size, some glue, some cute little tweezers and and instruction book.  And all of these things fit perfectly in the cute little case.  What clinched the deal for me buying it was that I also had a 30% off coupon!  Sold! 
I can't wait to try it that my suitcase is unpacked, dirty clothes are laundered and I'm over jetlag I'm getting a "wee bit" (that's how people who have spent time in Ireland talk, by the way... :)) of that familiar desired to make something!  Maybe I'll get in my room tonight and play around a bit.  Sounds like a plan.... I said "Gadgets Galore"....did you notice the "s" on the end of Gadgets which, of course, means plural (I did pass English many moons ago!).  So what other gadget did I get?  Well, I am the proud owner of the brand spanking new iPhone 4S.  I had the first generation when they first came out...and then the 3GS....but now I have the 4S and am excited about it.  First of all it has an 8mp camera (with flash), a dual processor (that baby is fast!) and Siri, the voice activated "assistant".  I can now do Facetime with my daughter and say  night night to the grandkids each night. love it!

Did I tell you how wonderful my trip was?  14 glorious nights in Scotland and Ireland.  We did some serious traveling...from Glasgow, through the Highlands, Loch Lomond, Loch Ness, St. Andrews, Edinburgh and then the ferry across the North Channel to Belfast and all the way around Ireland ending up in Dublin.  The people were fantastic....nicest people I've come across in my various travels.  We had some icky weather (cloudy, wet, wet, and more wet)...but nothing to dampen our spirits.  It was the most fun and I want to thank my wonderful friend, Becky for finding this tour and telling me about it.  I can't wait for the next trip.  We are talking Spain and Portugal...or maybe Germany and France.....ahh.....the possibilities are endless!!!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Great to see you back Susan and that you had a good time. I also did some quilling a while back, and received a card recently, that made me want to get my stash out again, but I might just take it on holiday with me. Will see how it works out.

  2. Awesome so now waiting to see some quilled creations!



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