Saturday, October 22, 2011

Quilling Fun!

In yesterday's post I told about the Beginner Quilling kit I bought at Archiver's.  My intention was to get in my craft room last night and whip up a storm.  I didn't even whip a a drizzle! HAHA!  Just ran out of know how that is!
I've been working on the thousand or so photos I took in Scotland and Ireland....that can be quite the time sucker.  It's amazing how many really bad shots I got!  But generally I just snap away and if I get a few good ones...well, I'm happy.  Anyway, I've been spending some time trying to get them organized so I can burn a few DVDs for my travel companions and good friends.
I did make this little dragonfly for fun.  It's really teensy...maybe just 3 inches long...but it's just so delicate and cute.  I love the process of is so wonderfully tedious! HAHA!  I have little patience in real life but when it comes to fiddling with paper I have the patience of Job!
My scrapbooking friends are all scrapping together this weekend...HELLO to Cyndi, Christine, Debbie, Cyndi, Stacey, Lisa, Deb and whomever else is cropping!  Deb has a wonderful house on Lake Hartwell that she has opened up to our scrapping group this weekend.  Wish I could have gone but let's face head has barely hit my own pillow the last month or so....I really needed to be home!  Especially in light of my husband's upcoming travels which will take him away from me. 
So, today we are meeting up with my daugher, sil, and the two grandkids for a Bon Voyage meal for my husband. 
Hope everyone is having a wonderful Saturday!

I'm cleaning....


  1. Susan its lovely and waiting to see more quilling


  2. Cool quilling! Welcome back & I hope you had a wonderful trip--I always have a hard time getting pictures scrapped after the trip. :)Amy

  3. this is so cute! I love quilling! (Love to look at it, not make it . . . arthritic fingers, you know.)

  4. Great butterfly, in some ways I miss the quilling- I did some wonderful invitation gifts with quilling. Glad you had a great trip, hope you are getting some rest.

  5. Great great butterfly, such vibrant color. Love it. Have a relaxing weekend.


  6. Love the dragonfly. Quilling is very relaxing, so maybe I just need to do some more.


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