Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Dust Cover for Cami the Cameo

I used to work with a Dietitian named Cami.  Cami was short for Camille. 
My dust cover is not for Cami the Dietitian.  It is for my new friend, Cami the Cameo.  I don't really call her that.  I really don't name my toys but maybe I should.  She definitely deserves some respect for all she can do.
Anyway, I decided to treat her well and make her a little dust cover to keep her nice and clean. I had this scrap of fabric which is a double sided quilted fabric leftover from when I made a dust cover for my Expression some time ago.  I literally made this dust cover in 35 minutes which included the time it took me to put thread on my bobbin!

And here she is:

It isn't perfect.  I've talked about my issues with the Beast (my sewing machine) before but we got along pretty well today.  I found a pattern HERE and modified it a bit because I didn't quite have as much fabric as was called for so my cover may be a bit  more fitted than the original pattern would have made.  But I think it will do just fine and I am happy with it!

Clothes for Cami!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Wow- you did an awesome job on this! Your beast has been tamed- I think you do a great job at sewing- thanks for the link to the pattern! :)Amy

  2. Wonderful coverup. My Cricut & computers get dishcloths put over them when not in use.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  3. Hey Susan...finally made it to your site to see your new cameo cover....so beautiful! Mcuh prettier than mine. I just just used left over fleece from making dog coats for winter. I plan to eventually applique mine using the Silhouette. I love your Blog, too

  4. Love the cover - amazing how the choice of fabric can make something so plain look so stylish. Need to get some nice fabric and get going on a cover myself as well.

  5. I think it's very cute. I am thinking of making a carrying bag for mine as well. I like your cover.


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