
Friday, March 9, 2012

Scrapbooking Invades Thailand and Another Layout

The first thing I want to share is a photo my husband sent me today.  He is in Thailand right now and happened across this sign:
It's a terrible photo...but do you see the word "Scrapbooking" in the bottom of the photo?  LOL! Scrapbooking invades Thailand!
I have traveled to Thailand before and even though my little scrapbooking antennae are always out I have never seen anything devoted to scrapbooking or paper crafts of any type except for large sheets of gorgeous handmade paper on occasion.  I have also traveled in several European countries in the past couple of years including Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, UK and Ireland and have seen very few references to anything scrapbooking related.  So maybe things are spreading!  LOL!
Here us a layout in the style of the "new system" that I also completed recently of an Open House at David's mother's morning out program.  He would have nothing to do with the teachers or the other children...but now just 6 months later has turned into Mr. Social Butterfly.
Nothing much special to this layout but I love the photos of Mr. Independent-I-Don't-Need-Anyone (except Mommy or Omie!).  Sorry again about the reflection.  I just put the photos in and then created a simple journaling block with a few chipboard embellies and punched border.  Fast and simple! But, I'm good with it...
Now back to the 6 hour layouts! :)

Happy Crafting!


  1. The imnportant question is did your hubby buy you any scrapbooking stuff? Good that he is adjusting to the time with other children away from his mother & you.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

    1. Answer to the important question...I hope not! My husband has a difficult time matching his clothes. Once I asked him in a very gentle wife supportively sort of way if he might be a little color blind. He answered back, "No, I just have bad taste!" LOL! So no...I'm find that he doesn't buy for me. And chances are if he did I have the same thing here already!
      And secondly, I think in your second sentence you are referring to David, right, Melissa? LOL! When I first read it I thought you were talking about Dave! LOL!!!

  2. Very nice layout- wow- you've been to a lot of countries!!! Thailand?? That seems so exotic and many more years until I retire??? :)Amy


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!