
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Project Life: Week 41

OK, so my blog background has changed. Why is that, you ask? Well, I have been using Leelou Blogs for my free blog templates for quite a while. Periodically I like to change things up and put up something seasonal. I went to Leelou the other day to look for something Halloweeny and read that her blog templates will no longer be free and that after November 5 all existing blog templates will be removed (on a blog that has that mine!). Now I totally get that...her blog designing takes a lot of time and it does cost her something and so now she is going to sell her designs. Really reasonable...$15 a blog template. Her blog templates are really, really cute. But when I read that I had one day to decide to have Leelou create me a customized template (apparently I wasn't getting the memo!) and I just couldn't make a decision! So I switched over to The Cutest Blog on the Block. That site used to have many more templates but just have a few. I quickly grabbed one up and here we are. It'll do....  I have no idea, though, why the text is all centered....I can't seem to figure out how to get it left justified (my preference!). 

(Ok, so now I am able to get each paragraph left justified but it defaults back to center justified if I don't manually change it...if anyone can tell me how to change it so it defaults to left justified let me know! ;)  I mean, this is such a huge first world problem, isn't it? LOL!)

(3rd "addendum"...I've changed it again to a background instead of a template and think I like the look least I can READ my blog! And now I'm left justified again! Must have something to do with my brain! I just need a purdy banner....amazing how this stuff can just suck the time out of your life!)

Now onto more fun stuff....Project Life: Week 41! 11 more weeks and we will be at the end of the year (and then can start all over again! LOL!!!)

Here is the left side:

Although most of the week was centered around the new little guy in our lives I wanted to try to make sure I included some of the activities of the rest of the family.

Here is a photo of the whole family getting ready to come home from the hospital.  The hospital worker took a ton of pictures...this was about the best of the lot.  I love the look on Taylor's she looks at Wade "What the heck???!!!"
I made the banner with little EK Success punches and some Hero Arts alpha stamps and since my layouts were pretty photo heavy again I just journaled a bit on my Week card.

Below is a journaling card done with Me and My Big Ideas paper and a journaling card.  The little 3D bunny is from some random stickers I picked up recently at Tuesday Morning.

Here is the right side:
with a cute little filler card by Me and My Big Ideas:
More random stickers:
I also had a few of my favorite pictures of the week printed out in a 5x7 size and just put those in Becky Higgins page protectors:

And that's it for today!

Happy Halloween and Happy Crafting!


  1. Wonderful photos. Especially like the black & white photo. Also like the rattle with the blue ribbon on it. I have a Cutest Blog template that if I recall correctly you found for me and have been happy with it.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. Haha! I've been meaning to redesign my blog for two years. I probably totally forgot how to do it. I want to go simpler; that much I know. I love "Instant Love" - a perfect summary of this little guy's entrance into life on the outside! Love the pages, Susan!!


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!