
Monday, November 4, 2013

Project Life: Week 40B

40B....that sounds like an apartment number!  Nope, that isn't what that is!  40B refers to the 2 page addendum I did to week 40.  Week 40, of course, was the miracle week that little Wade was born and joined our lives.  (BTW, I thought it was so smart of my daughter to deliver her full term baby on Week 40.   You corresponds with the whole 40 weeks gestation thing.  I just thought that was so clever!)  Anyway, on the day after Wade was born he had several important people to come to meet him in the hospital and so I decided to make a 2 page spread for that.  A simple insert page would not do...I wanted to give this event it's own thing.  Follow that?

So, my camera battery was dying and even though I have 140 plus cameras all my gear including chargers are up at my daughters!  These pictures are not the greatest but if I don't get them posted they never will be!

Here is the left side:
Two very important people who came to the hospital were Wade's brother and sister.  I loved seeing them check him out.  Too sweet and they were both so in love with him from the first moment they laid eyes on him.
I used preprinted cards by either We R Memory Keepers or Me and My Big Ideas (sorry...the packaging was thrown away a long time ago and I just don't remember!) and some Thickers. 

Here is the right side:
I did some very simple journaling and used a lot of pictures but I got everyone in!

And that's it for today...Week 40B!

Happy Crafting!

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