Monday, November 18, 2013

Project Life: Week 44

Well, I am on a roll....back to a bit of crafting as I mentioned in my last post.  I do like a bit of normalcy in my life.  Now I need to get back to some "normal" cleaning! LOL!

I hope everyone had a nice weekend.  It was not so pretty here....we had rain most of yesterday but I went to a friend's...the creative Libby Hickson of Hero Arts fame and had a wonderful afternoon of cropping with her.  You can check out all of Libby's creative wonderfulness at Libby's Little Addiction. She also posts periodically to Hero Arts so you can check that out, too!

I worked on Project Life and made a couple of cards which I will share soon.   I am amazed at how little I can get done! HAHA!

But anyway...back to Project Life...I did complete these pages last week:

All kinds of Halloween goodness!  Again, I seem to be in a trend to do photo heavy pages with just a tad of journaling. I haven't been doing a lot of filler cards and I'm ok with that.  Maybe I'll get a little more creative and "do it myself" in the next few weeks. 

I bought the cards which are by Me and My Big Ideas at Michaels after Halloween and the were less than $1!  Woohoo....I love a bargain like that!  And now the remainder are filed away for future years of Project Life!

The bracketed tag is from Paper Studio (Hobby Lobby's brand) and fits nicely on a 3x4 card.  Great for journaling!

Here is the right side:

The kids had a great time getting in costumes and trick or treating.  They have a great neighborhood that goes all out at Halloween. Lots and lots of trick or was so much fun and they enjoyed their candy treasures!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Like Taylor's outfit all the way down to her sparkly shoes. They did rcv a treasure trove of candy indeed. Liked the carved pumpkin. You know my hubby is quite the pumpkin carver and the one in your photo is wonderful.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  2. I wish you wouldn't make me think about cleaning. That's on my list this week, too. Bummer. I was getting rather accustomed to living in filth. =) Wade is looking like his siblings! I see it in his eyes and nose. Such a cutie!! As are all of your grands and your pages for this week!

  3. I always love your pages, Susan!! And your grandkids are just adorable. You are too sweet - you make me feel famous. I am so not famous, ha ha! :-)


Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!