
Project Life 2013

I began Project Life in 2013 and here is my progress to date!  I just love this style of's so "freeing!"

Click on the titles or the photos below to go to the original post complete with more pictures of both sides of the layouts as well as some closeup photos!

Project Life Worksheet (the worksheet I created to plan my Project Life layouts)

My Process for Planning Project Life

And Project Life Begins!

Project Life Week 2

Insert Page for Week 8

Project Life Week 9

Project Life Week 10

Project Life: Week 11

Project Life: Week 11 (Right Side Layout)

Project Life: Week 12

Project Life: Week 13

Project Life: Week 13 (Right Side)

Project Life: Easter

Project Life: Week 14

Project Life: Week 15

Week 16

Week 17

Week 17: Insert Page

Week 18 Here and Here

Week 19

Week 20

Week 21

Project Life: Proposal
Project Life: Week 22

Project Life: Week 23

Week 27

Week 28

Week 29

Week 30

Week 31

Week 33

Week 34

Week 35

Week 36

Week 37

Week 38

Week 39

Week 40

Week 40B

Week 41

Week 42

Week 43

Week 44

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Thank you so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate the time it took you to leave me a note and I will enjoy reading it. Happy Crafting!